Saturday, January 1, 2011

And Justice For All?

Well, Heather should be getting her book any day now so I figured I had better get the explanation started!  Also, it seems that people aren't really fond of political discussions on Facebook so I've decided to limit my political rantings to this blog and, that way, I can answer those that want to get political but keep everything else here.
So...Heather...the book!  Ohhhhhh you remind me of me when I was your age!  When I read your post about your frustration of the homeless standing on the street corners I had to smile.  A girl that I worked with at the Sheriff's Dept came to visit me about 7 or 8 years after I had retired.  By that time, I had lived in San Francisco and saw a lot of different lifestyles.  Now, even as a cop, I never had that "geesh, you are the scum of the earth" attitude.  Even then, it was clear to me that a lot of people that I came in contact with were born to their situations.  Everyone says "Oh they have a choice, they can get out of it if they want!"  I probably thought that way a little bit but never as adamantly as those around me.  After living in SF and doing foster care I'm pretty adament now:)  All of the behaviour theories of how people have choices....from what I can see they are based on the support that people receive.  Anyone who gets out of a bad lifestyle does so with some type of support. 
Anyways, back to Laurie....we had went to SF and she had made a comment about a homeless woman who was standing in the street with her sign.  We got into a HUGE argument and I think she was amazed at the stance I took.  And, of course, she threw out the "choices" argument.  Sooooooo....Laurie, what you are telling me is that if a child is never taught to brush his teeth, is never given a toothbrush, has no idea what it even IS, what you are telling me is that the child is scum because he goes to school without brushing his teeth?  "Well he has his teachers, people at school to help".  Okay and do they go home with him and make sure he does it like ALL parents have to do for a certain period of time?  Apply this to anything that you learned growing up....that your parents or aunts and uncles, gramma and gpa, anyone close to you helped you with.  There are far too many people growing up without that support. 
"Oh c'mon, there are all kinds of govt programs that help these kids".  Again, alls I can say is we have Vietnam Vets living on the street because the Govt "assistance" programs are so beauracratic and difficult to manuever that they give up.  Most of these programs are designed to make it as difficult as possible to qualify for them so that people WILL give up.  Ask anyone who has applied for Social Security Disability:)  So a child is supposed to figure this out?  Unless someone steps up and cares, they grow up and then have the added stigma of society thinking they are nothing but little criminals and punks.  Just as they were taught to be. 
So anyhooo, that's where my response came from that.  But I see you posting things about the Government and being shocked.  That's why I sent you the book.  I can't find mine right now, but there is a chapter (and I believe it's one of the first ones!)that basically says "If you want to be happy, stay as far away from the government as you possibly can".  Yes, that includes not voting.  This book was written in the 70's I think (and he ran for President at some point in time, would have to look up when)so I'm not so sure that's even possible anymore.  I heard on the news today that CA has over 700 new laws that go into effect this year.  CRIKEY!  I think in order to avoid the Government at all costs anymore, you'd have to pretty much just stay locked up in your house! 
So that is why I got you the book.  When you consider it was written in the 70's and a new hardback copy costs over $200, you can pretty much figure that it has very good information.  I search the used book stores and thrift shops for copies all the time:)  If you ever run across one, snatch it up!!  And enjoy it....even if you can't help yourself and end up spending your life caring about what goes on in this world:)  I'm just hoping to spare you the grief!!  HA!!
And that will be the subject of my next post....Harry's take on life vs "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing" vs the "positive" force.  Heck, I can't figure out which one's best:)

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